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Love Nurtures Learning

Meher School Community

Staff Spotlight: The Alumni (part 3)

Including the spring and summer, there are 22 Meher Schools staff members who attended the school as children. We asked this special group a few questions, and some of their responses are shared below. This is the third and final piece of this segment, so check out parts 1 and 2 if you missed them!

What do you like most about working at the school?

  • Karima Hastings, second grade teacher: I appreciate working with such a supportive and loving community of teachers, parents, staff, and administrators.

  • Amy Weinstein, elementary theater teacher: Everyone is a family, which makes it feel like a home where everyone is welcome.

  • Warren Wallace, director of admissions: Knowing that every staff member truly wants what is best for each child.

  • Chloe Gilmore, kindergarten teacher: I feel like my work is noticed and appreciated, and I feel compelled to make others feel that way too. I'm surrounded by people who have all made huge impacts on my life, and because of that I really love them, even if I don't know them well as an adult. Where else would I have that experience?

  • Rohan Iyer, D.R.A.M.A. Camp volunteer: The atmosphere and the children and staff we work with. The staff … were unbelievably kind and understanding toward me.

  • Ivy Summers, elementary co-principal: I like that everyone is trying to live the school values and sees themselves and others as learners who are constantly growing.

  • Beatrice Lindemuth, preschool and elementary substitute teacher: The community and the peaceful playful atmosphere.

  • Mariella Floum, D.R.A.M.A. Camp teacher: I love working with the kids and seeing things from their point of view.

  • Catherine Thompson, elementary P.E. teacher: The community. It's a place where love and kindness are prioritized, and self-expression is valued. And the songs! I didn't get any of the symbolism as a child, but hearing the songs at 13 . . . had me in tears.

Many of our alumni staff members have also commented on how fun it is working with their former classmates. Beatrice and Kyle were in the same class, as were Vince, Brenda, and Warren; Marielle and Hannah; Chloe and Amy; and Rosanna and Ivy. And of course they are all now coworkers with their former teachers. What a sweet experience for both the alumni staff members and the veteran teachers who have watched them grow up.

Other current and summer staff members who attended as children include Brenda Barnhart, Greg Vinson, John White, Laura White, Lila Isaacs, Malakai Isaacs, Mari Pongkhamsing, Anna Parker, Kyle LeMay, Hannah Anderson, Karima Hastings, Vince d’Assis, and Rosanna Allen.

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