Holidays Without Hunger
Our 15th annual Holidays Without Hunger food drive for the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano began Monday and continues until December 9. You’ll find a collection bin on each tier.
Here are the types of nonperishable food the Food Bank is requesting:
Protein: Peanut butter, chili, hearty soups, dried or canned beans, canned ready-to-eat meals, canned poultry, meat, and tuna.
Fruits and vegetables: Canned fruit in juice, 100 percent juice, canned vegetables, canned tomato products.
Grains: Brown and enriched rice, whole-grain pasta, enriched whole-grain cereal.
The food bank asks that donations not be in glass containers and not be past their expiration dates. See the eNote we sent Sunday for more about the drive.
Warm Clothing Drive
Our Warm Clothing Drive officially begins tomorrow, but we set donation bins out last week and generous families have already begun contributing. We’re collecting new and like-new cold-weather clothing and accessories for the White Pony Express Cold Weather Project – coats and jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, vests, hats, scarves, gloves, socks, and boots for adults and children. Look for the white collection bins on all three tiers. The drive continues until December 16.