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Celebrating the Contributions of Meher Schools Women

They’re the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and a nanny of Meher Schools students. They work in health care, social services, education, business, law, technology, and other fields. What they have in common is that they all contribute to the community in unique ways – which they shared in short videos in a Women’s History Month project of the Equity & Inclusion Committee celebrating the contributions of Meher Schools women.

The project was spearheaded by third grade mom Jen Tompkins. Working through each class’s designated “room parent,” she invited families to participate, using her own contribution (she’s a prosecutor) as an example. Videos submitted by mothers and others were compiled by classroom by kindergarten mom Marcela Privat-Gilman (a Spanish teacher).

Marcella added a short introduction by Jen at the beginning of each video and sent each room’s compiled videos to that room’s teachers last weekend, inviting them to share them with their classes.

A few screenshots fro, these inspirational videos are shown below. Thank you amazing Meher Schools Women!


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