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Teacher and Her Mom “Masking for a Cause”
Room 6 kindergarten teacher Shelby Gregg and her mother, Felicia, have been sewing facemasks since the beginning of the pandemic. They...
A Community Based on Caring, Inclusion
"When I becomes we, even illness becomes wellness.” Charles Roppel My grandson always loved giving me high-fives. That stopped during...
Lessons from the Pandemic
Parents Reflect on What They've Learned From a Year of Sheltering In Place In our April 24 parent discussion group, participants shared...
Teaching Teams: Scott Rose and Wendee Lipnick
Third grade teachers Scott Rose and Wendee Lipnick’s day unfolds like a well-choreographed dance, with Scott teaching in Room 12 and...
COVID Testing Here January 16
Our next on-campus COVID testing clinic will be Tuesday, February 16, and is open to students and family members. In addition to the...
Valentine’s Day, COVID-Style
This year, elementary classrooms will decide individually whether they’ll be celebrating Valentine's Day. Preschool classrooms will not...
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