On June 11, on what was many staff members' last day before summer break, they were greeted by a beautiful painting on the fence at the top of the front stairs. It features a vibrant rainbow, some playful art by young students, a few dozen little handprints, and a message of appreciation:
Thank you, Meher Schools Staff!
❤️ 2020-2021 families
Without the knowledge of the teachers (though they did get approval from the administration!) a group of parents and children had been there the night before, painting well into the evening. The project was spearheaded by Meher Schools dad George Peridas, who wrote to his fellow parents:
"Through supreme organization, dogged determination, sheer hard work, and the never-faltering Meher positive attitude, our school managed to obtain permission to stay open for those children who were able to attend in person, and to provide top-notch remote schooling for those who could not – all virtually without breaking stride.
"I, for one, feel an enormous amount of gratitude and admiration toward our teachers and management for having pulled off this feat. Not only did they put their necks on the line by being in class every day, they worked long hours and off the beaten path to set up new systems, record instructional videos, and keep track of children's progress.
"What better way to express our gratitude toward the school in a heartfelt and enduring way than through art?!"
And what a sweet expression of gratitude it is!