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Love Nurtures Learning

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Even from its small beginnings, the Meher Schools celebrated Founders Day, the birthdays of our founders, Murshida Ivy Duce and Meher Baba and the birthday of the school itself, which began on February 25, 1975. We honored our founders with, music, plays, cakes, cookies, special lunches, treats, balloons, and dancing!   

2025 marks our 50th anniversary and our Founders Day has exploded into a two-day event, celebrating our founders, our students, families past and present, teachers and staff….all part of the living legacy of the Meher Schools.  Fifty years encompasses generations of children and families, “growing together.”  

The Meher Schools is a living organism.  Remaining responsive and flexible to meet the changing needs of a community and a changing world brings fresh energy for growth.  Thus, the school has had many phases, taken many shapes and forms in its curriculum, structure, even the physical surroundings. But the values and the core of its existence remain unblemished---a school based on love and compassion. 
We wish to showcase our unique dedication to the arts as an essential component of daily life. Our gathering on Saturday will pay homage to the Performing Arts: music, dance, a video montage of past events.  We’ll show a video created by Terry Hogan Johnson, about our founder, Murshida Ivy Duce. We’ll sing our favorite school songs together, led by their composer and other familiar singers.

And of course, there will be birthday cake!


We’ll gather at the school on Sunday. We’re planning activities that will spark memories of our times together—photos, games, favorite aftercare snacks from the past, an art show, music, sports and games, and much, much more. We’ll have a chance to “greet the teachers” and to record “stories from the Meher Schools.”  There’ll be a tour of the newly refurbished library, and the 7 Circles fairy garden. And of course, the opportunity to connect with old classmates and friends many of whom are scattered around the world, and to express our gratitude for the unique experience of the White Pony and Meher School. 

Please click the link below so we can be in touch about details of the event.

Even If You Cannot Attend

Please complete the form so we have your contact information and can reach out for future events. Let’s spread the word! Please let your parents know and contact anyone from the school from your class or other classes.

We’re compiling an Alumni Updates Booklet, which will be available to view at the event and will be sent digitally to all alumni. 

We’re also making an Alumni Business Directory. If you or your parents own or manage a business or work for an organization you’d like to promote. The directory will be available publicly on the school website so the community can support one another.

Alumni Business Directory Form

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